Enjoy your stay.



Check-in time starts at 3 PM
Check-in time ends at 10 PM

***There is NO AFTER-HOURS reception at this property. Guests need to register & pick up their key no later than 10 p.m.***


Guests are asked to check-out by 10 a.m.


We charge at the time of check-in - no virtual payments.

All major credit cards accepted!

Cash is accepted with a $50 authorization on a valid card.

Guests are required to show a valid photo ID and credit card upon check-in


Reservations can be canceled without penalty up to 48hrs prior to arrival; otherwise you will be charged for the 1st night.

If you don’t show up and don’t cancel, you will be charged for the entire stay.



If you are traveling with pets, please call us directly to book a designated pet room.

**Reservations made online DO NOT accommodate pets.


We are a NON-SMOKING property -

smoking is allowed only in our SMOKING AREA by the grill or inside an enclosed vehicle.


Once you’ve booked, please be sure to look over your reservation details and confirm that everything like DATES + NUMBER OF TRAVELERS is accurate.

Let us know if you need to make any changes!

Simpler & less expensive lodging.